Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


– To enhance communication and foster understanding between Muslim women and
the larger community.
– To provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and leadership
development for the Muslim women and the larger community.
– To engage and support Muslim women to actively participate as leaders in the
Muslim and larger community.


A just, harmonious and equitable community


Our values are:
Empowerment and Support: We encourage, support and equip current and future
women leaders to foster positive change in their communities.

Social Activism: We actively promote social justice locally, nationally and internationally.

Outreach: We constantly strive to build bridges and focus on removing systemic

barriers faced by marginalized communities.

Equity, Inclusion and Diversity: We strive to create safe spaces, seek to understand,
support belonging so that everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate.

    Other (please specify)

    Please slect your age group

    Language (s) spoken other than English

    Other (please specify)

    Country of origin

    How long have you been living in Canada?

    How did you hear about CMW?

    Other (please specify)

    What is your highest level of education?

    Other (please specify)

    Are you employed?

    If employed:

    Please check any skills listed below that reflect your experiences, training, or abilities:

    Other (please specify)

    Have you ever volunteered before in Canada or outside Canada?

    What is your goal for volunteering?

    Other (please specify)

    How often would you like to Volunteer?

    During which hours are you available for volunteering tasks and assignments?

    Consent: I have read & understood CMW’s Vision, Mission and Values statement. I declare my
    agreement with the afore-mentioned statement and agree to conduct myself in a manner that
    demonstrates CMW’s values.

    - I give permission for CMW to take photographs of me during my involvement
    in CMW activities, to be used in newsletters, displays, social media (Facebook,
    twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.) and pamphlets promoting CMW, its
    programs and services.
    - I give permission for CMW to use my name, address, email and phone
    number to tell me about CMW's membership, programs/services, newsletters, evaluations, and fundraising.

    If you have any questions about this form or need help filling it out, please contact Venus Al Zouhouri at Venus.alzouhouri@cmw-kw.org or call 226-949-9226 ext.4011.