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Anti-Hate Services (AHS)

One of the main services offered under the TAI banner is the Anti-Hate Services, launched in April 2021. At that time, the reporting line was one of its kind in the province. Its success has laid the grounds and provided framework to other organizations in Ontario to follow suit.

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The project addresses the gap in the need for a support system for those experiencing hate-related, racist, Islamophobic, and xenophobic (anti-immigrant) incidents that largely go undocumented. The service offers victims and witnesses an opportunity to record cases anonymously. If residents are uncomfortable having the conversation themselves, someone else can record the case on their behalf. If there is a language barrier, CMW has multilingual staff that can clearly communicate in various languages, not only with those affected by hate incidents but also with service providers. Through its Anti-Hate Services, CMW provides various one-on-one support services.

Addressing victims’ concerns by connecting with appropriate service providers, such as the police, housing managers, school staff, and healthcare professionals

Helping victim(s) file complaints with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal

Providing language interpretation and referrals to culturally competent counsellors

Working with Community Justice Initiatives (CJI) to provide restorative justice as an alternative response to hate crimes and hate incidents motivated by Islamophobia.

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