About Us
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Who We Are
We’re a small, but mighty group of racialized Muslim women that have been standing up to hate, discrimination, Islamophobia, and gender-based violence since 2010. We have a diverse staff of more than 15 dedicated, passionate women and a board that represents the diversity of Muslim women.
Our membership is made up of women and youth, who are immigrants or were born and raised in Canada.
CMW’s mandate is to empower racialized Muslim women and girls to be leaders and changemakers by bridge building between Muslim women and youth and the larger community.
How We Do It
The Coalition actively addresses gender-based violence, racism, discrimination, Islamophobia, and xenophobia (anti-immigrant sentiment) through culturally appropriate support services, diverse outreach, advocacy, and bridge-building programs. We provide racialized Muslim women and youth opportunities for personal and professional growth, and leadership development. Over the years, we have worked from the ground up to generate avenues for strengthening social connectedness, providing culturally relevant support, cultural integration with an aim to increase self-worth and self-esteem among Muslim women and youth. Our programming provides newcomer women and youth not only professional development but also social enhancement and integration in the community as they deal with isolation caused by language barriers and an unfamiliar environment. A core aspect of our programming is to increase social and emotional skills among Muslim women and youth to boost positive mental health, confidence, and self-assurance. Our work involves community partners and organizations that can help open a variety of opportunities for racialized women.
- A just, harmonious, and equitable community.
- To enhance communication and foster understanding between Muslim women and the larger community
- To provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, and leadership development for Muslim women
- To engage and support Muslim women to actively participate as leaders in the Muslim and larger community
Empowerment and Support
We encourage, support and equip current and future women leaders to foster positive change in their communities.
Social Activism
We actively promote social justice locally, nationally and internationally.
We constantly strive to build bridges and focus on removing systemic barriers faced by marginalized communities.
Equity, Inclusion and Diversity
We strive to create safe spaces, seek to understand, support belonging so that everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate.
Strategic Directions

Organizational Development

Leadership & Capacity Building


Raising CMW's Community Profile